(pronounced as vid-he)
Recent Publications (for a full list please download pdf CV)
Fergus Simpson, Ian Davies, Vidhi Lalchand, Alessandro Vuollo, Nicolas Durrande, Carl E. Rasmussen. KITT: Kernel Identification Through Transformers. Advanced in Neural Information Processing Symposium (NeurIPS, 2021).
Vidhi Lalchand, Aditya Ravuri, Neil D. Lawrence. Generalised GPLVM with Stochastic Variational Inference. (Pre-print, manuscript under submission).
Fergus Simpson, Vidhi Lalchand and Carl E. Rasmussen. Marginalised Gaussian Processes with Nested Sampling.
Advanced in Neural Information Processing Symposium (NeurIPS, 2021).
V. R. Lalchand and Carl E Rasmussen. Approximate Inference for Fully Bayesian Gaussian Process Regression. In Proceedings of The 2nd Symposium on Advances in Approximate Bayesian Inference, volume 118 of Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, pages 1–12. PMLR, 2020.
V. R. Lalchand. Extracting more from Boosted Decision Trees: A High Energy Physics case study. Second Workshop on Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences. NeurIPS 2019, Vancouver, Canada.
V. R. Lalchand, A.C. Faul. A Fast and Greedy Subset-of-Data (SoD) scheme for Sparsification in Gaussian Processes. 38th International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering. August 2018.
P Treleavan, M Galas and V Lalchand. Algorithmic Trading Review. Association of Applied Computing Machinery, November 2013.